HMM-262 Combat Helicopter Association

“The Old Tigers”

History and Purpose. This Association exists to conduct reunions of those who served their country in or with HMM-262 in combat; to remember and honor their names and service, and to help preserve the history of HMM-262. Please join us, then come to our reunions and share your memories, real or imagined, with your old friends and comrades in arms.

Organization. We chose the generic term “association” because we have no formal organizational structure; i.e., no charter, articles of incorporation, by-laws, IRS designation, etc. We are not a legal entity. We’re just a bunch of old Marines trying to stay in touch with each other and our fading memories. Anyone who thinks we need to have all of that formal stuff is free to jump in and make it happen. If you’d like to see an example, the HMM-265 Veterans Association has taken that route and you can see the results at their website, Good luck.

Website Access. There will be a members-only area, but most material on the site will remain in the public area; no login is required to view this material. We invite everyone to just wander through the menus and see what is there. To access the members’ area you must first complete and submit the membership application After you receive an acceptance notification email you can use ‘Members|Register’ to get access to the members-only feature, which includes a moderated discussion board. When you register, the system will create a member profile for you where you can post as much or as little about yourself as you wish. We encourage you to share a bit of your life since your time in HMM/VMM-265; after all, the whole purpose of the Association is to reconnect with old comrades. Your photos and bio are in the public area and anyone can see them, but you can always go back and edit, replace, or even delete, any or all of it.

Membership Roster There is a cut-down version of the HMM-262 Veterans Association master spreadsheet of members’ information available in the “Members Only” section. It provides a way for logged-in members to try to contact someone on the list indirectly via the Webmaster.

Posting links on the website. The Association will post on its website only those links that further the Association’s purposes. We will not knowingly post links to entities with any kind of profit orientation, no matter how indirect or tenuous. (Don’t even ask; we will simply mark it as “Junk” and block the domain.) We also will not knowingly post links to web sites or pages that are personal, political, racist, fascist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, genderphobic,  misogynistic, jingoistic, anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi, inflammatory, pornographic, obscene, or extravagantly stupid. Again, we will simply mark the request as “Junk” and block the domain. We will try to screen the material on the directly-linked pages, but cannot vouch for the other links that may be found on those pages and beyond. If you think we need to add or remove something please contact us at webmaster@hmm-262org. [Not a live link; copy and paste into your email client]

Contact. If you have a suggestion or anything else to communicate (personal information update, RTB report, error correction, website change, etc.) please please contact us at [Not a live link; copy and paste into your email client]

Privacy Policy. We collect information only on members and membership applicants, which we use only in the pursuit of our stated purpose and do not share with anyone. We collect no information on visitors beyond what the technology requires for things like spam detection and monitoring. Further details are provided on a separate Privacy Policy page. Please contact us at with any questions. [Not a live link; copy and paste into your email client]

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