Adding Photos
Do you have pictures or other images that you would like to share? Photos from past reunions? Just email them to If you did not take them yourself then please include copyright information. Regardless of source, please include as much information as you can. Remember your Kipling:
I keep six honest serving men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
and How and Where and Who.
We need your best photos, from all eras.You old-timers have boxes of 35 mm slides that you haven’t looked at in decades. Pick out the best and digitize them. Likely you’ve thought off and on for years about doing that so you can share them with family and friends. Now is the time. Just Google “digitize 35 mm slides” to find equipment to do it yourself or services to do it for you.You FNGs who took digital photos will have it easy.
Once you have the digitized images you can, and should, digitally annotate them with Kipling’s “Six Honest Serving Men.”Digital annotation ensures that the information stays with the picture. Your children and grandchildren will treasure them if they know what they are looking at. (Personal note: My parents’ photo albums are largely useless to me now, because everyone is dead who knew who those people were. I’m trying not to do that to my kids and grandkids. S/F, Chuck Johnson).